
General Secretary, Lobbying and Press
Mag. Karin Keglevich-Lauringer
c/o Special Public Affairs GmbH
Goldschmiedgasse 8/8 
1010 Wien 

Phone:   +43 1 532 25 45


Information pursuant to section 5 ECG [e-commerce Act] and Media Act

Media proprietor and publisher:
Verband der institutionellen Immobilieninvestoren


Adress: Goldschmiedgasse 8/8, 1010 Vienna

Board of Directors:
Dr. Wolfgang Louzek
MMag. Louis Obrowsky
Mag. Dieter Johs
Dr. Josef Praschinger

General Secretary of the VII
Mag. Karin Keglevich-Lauringer 

Central Association Register Identifier [ZVR-Zahl]: 557945247

The Association of Institutional Real Estate Investors (VII) is an association registered in Vienna. Its purpose is to actively promote the collective interests of institutional real estate investors in Austria.

Legal disclaimer:
We would like to declare that, despite careful editing on our part, all the information depicted on this website remains without guarantee of correctness. Liability of the publisher shall be excluded. Moreover, the Association of Institutional Real Estate Investors shall neither assume responsibility for nor guarantee the content of all sites connected by external or connecting links.


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